Function with template return or argument type 使用模板返回类型或参数类型的函数
EasyMock fools the compiler about a lot of things, but it isn't quite smart enough to fool the compiler into believing that void is a legal argument type. (EasyMock在许多方面能够“欺骗”编译器,但是还不足以让编译器相信void是有效的参数类型)。
In this case, the Bob class should define an equals() method that accepts an argument of type Object. 在这种情况下,Bob类应当定义一个接受类型为Object的参数的equals()方法。
Not surprisingly, it takes an argument of type of java. awt. Color, which is the color to set the control to. 它具有java.awt.Color类型的参数,用来设置控件颜色。
Policy: An output argument of type BLOB of maximum2M that specifies the automatic maintenance settings for the given policy type, in XML format. policy:BLOB类型的输出参数,将以XML格式指定给定策略类型的自动维护设置,最大大小为2M。
Note that the TargetAttribute elements contain an attribute called type, which represents a parameterized argument to a smart type tracer. 注意,TargetAttribute元素包含一个名为type的属性,它表示智能类型跟踪程序的参数化变量。
The generic type argument declares the type of result this CriteriaQuery will return upon execution. 泛型参数声明CriteriaQuery在执行时返回的结果的类型。
The type argument is the type of the value the expression evaluates to. 类型参数就是表达式要计算的值的类型。
It's generally best to set the field separator inside the script itself, simply because it means you have one less command line argument to remember to type. 一般而言,最好在脚本内部设置字段分隔符,因为这样可以少输入一个命令行参数。
The first time around, the templated version of f is called, with a string as the first argument type, and the character and double are packed off as the variable size argument. 首先调用f的模板化版本,第一个参数的类型是字符串,作为大小可变的参数提供字符和双精度值。
When you evaluate an XPath expression in Java, the second argument specifies the return type you want. 在Java中计算XPath表达式时,第二个参数指定需要的返回类型。
What is passed as argument is an unnamed row type. 作为参数传递的是一个未命名的行类型。
Either the Java class field or the type of the setter method input argument can determine the type of the injected property. Java类字段或setter方法输入参数的类型都可以由注入属性的类型确定。
It therefore must conclude that the argument is of type Box, which will cause a compilation error after method resolution because Box is not assignable to Box. 因此必将得出参数的类型是Box,其将导致在方法解析以后出现编译错误,因为Box不会分配给Box。
Argument data type% ls is invalid for argument% d of% ls function. 函数%3!的参数%2!的数据类型%1!无效。
Remove the argument list following the type argument in the statement invoking the generic type. 在调用泛型类型的语句中,移除类型变量后面的变量列表。
Invalid argument-this type of compare is not supported by the current application. 无效参数-当前应用程序不支持此类型的比较。
Return argument has an invalid type. 回的引具有效的型。
The event handler receives an argument of type ElapsedEventArgs. 事件处理函数接受一个ElapsedEventArgs类型的参数。
The args() clause binds to argument ( s) in methods being matched, implicitly narrowing to methods that have a first argument of type String. args()子句绑定到被匹配的方法中的参数,缩小范围到具有第一个参数类型是String的方法。
Add or remove type arguments from your calling code so that the type argument list matches the type parameter list of the version you intend to call. 在调用代码中添加或移除类型变量,以便类型变量列表与想要调用的版本的类型参数列表匹配。
Bad argument type In variable type array constructor 在变量类型数组结构中不正确的参数类型
This class is accepted as an argument by delegates of the type. 类型的委托接受此类作为参数。
The argument about the type of shelves to install in the library was only a storm in s teacup and has now been forgotten. 图书馆安置哪一种书架的争论只是小题大做,现在已被忘却了。
Bad library function argument type. 错误的库函数参数类型。
Advice targeted with this pointcut can never be invoked inappropriately, with an argument of the wrong type, or no matching argument. 这个切入点的通知目标永远不可能被错误调用,通过错误类型的参数,或者没有匹配的参数。
Doing so causes the compiler to perform argument type checking. 这样做会导致编译器执行参数类型检查。
The argument type { 0} could not be converted into parameter type { 1}. 参数类型{0}未能被转换为参数类型{1}。
Adds an argument of the specified type to the signature, specifying whether the argument is pinned. 向签名添加指定类型的参数,指定该参数是否固定。
The fourth part in the earlier argument based on the type of television programs existing problems and difficulties of digging. 第四部分在对前文论证的基础上提出该类电视节目目前存在的问题和面临的困难。